The Orders of Patriotic War 2nd Class -
standard issues.

    This is the most complete and up to day system of ALL Orders of Patriotic War 2nd Class of screwback type, based on mint runs, dates of production, physical differences, etc.
    In most cases, S/N range is listed, using orders from author's personal collection, collections of colleagues, or data obtained form public domain sources, such as internet. Otherwise, the run's range is used, based on V.A. Durov's publication. Such cases are denoted with red asterisk.
    There are always physical differences between runs, even of the same variation, however, in order to preserve the compactness of the system, only the most obvious ones are mentioned.
Fundamental types of the orders of Patriotic War 2nd class are:
     - type 1 – orders on suspension.
     - type 2 – screwback type orders.
     - type 3 – 1985 «jubilee issue» orders.
    There are some brand new classifications established for the first time for some variations of Orders of Patriotic War 2nd Class (Type 2): R - for "reissues", D - for duplicates, S - for "spare" © reused earlier manufactured unnumbered Orders, and M - for Orders with technological defects, such as the ones with missing mintmark, or hand-engraved mintmark.
    In the reference table below only type 2 orders of the Patriotic War 2nd class are systemized, since type 1 orders are out of scope of this site, and type 3 orders are listed on a separate page (see "Orders of Patriotic War" page).
Fundamental variation's names:   Mints abbreviations:
Variation Main difference (reverse type)   Abbreviation Full Mint Name
V1 'Starback'   MMD Moskow Mint
V2 'Trench'   LMD Leningrad Mint
V3 'Displaced Ring'   KMD Krasnokamsk Mint
V4 'Concave'   MZPP Moskow "Platinapribor" Factory
V5 'MZPP'      
V6 'Flatback'   Mintmark shapes:
V7 'Concave-Ring'   curved up curved down
V8 'Small'  
V9 'Ring'  

ORDER DESCRIPTION Type Variation Example Known serial number range
Serial Number Pics
KMD, ##32000-35000 [total issued: 3000] 
mintmark on top, S/N at 7 o'clock. 
T2 V1.1.1 34,132 ©ET 32087-34132
mintmark on top, S/N at 6 o'clock.
V1.1.2 32,998 32730-34852
mintmark on a bottom.
V1.2 34,984 ©VI 34731-34984
KMD, ##35713-72000 [total issued: 34655] 
mintmark on top, S/N at 6 o'clock.
T2 V1.3.0 36,612 ©SP 36025-36612
curved up mintmark at 6 o'clock,
no ray under sword's handle.
V1.3.1 56,323 ©AT 44808-71741
curved up mintmark at 6 o'clock,
with ray under sword's handle.
V1.3.2 38,840 35731-71597
curved up mintmark at 6 o'clock,
with two rays under sword's handle.
V1.3.3 48,033 38782-56856
curved down mintmark at 6 o'clock,
no ray under sword's handle.
V1.3.4 50,364 ©RP 43655-62827
curved down mintmark at 6 o'clock,
with ray under sword's handle.
V1.3.5 41,103 ©XX 40695-47667
curved down mintmark at 6 o'clock,
with two rays under sword's handle.
V1.3.6 52,302 ©IK 40193-52302
MMD, ##72001-74000 [total issued: 2000], 01/12/1943
without mintmark, no ray under sword's handle
T2 V1.4.1 72,275 72275-73126
without mintmark, with ray under sword's handle
V1.4.2 73,903 ©TR 72013-73903
MMD, ##74001-76550 [total issued: 2550], 01-03/1944
without mintmark, no ray under sword's handle
T2 V1.4.3.1 74,425 ©GL 74425-74459
without mintmark, with ray under sword's handle
V1.4.3.2 74,146 ©TR 74013-75021
'Trench', 1st run, without mintmark V2.1 75,887 74391-76500
MMD, ##76551-82000 [total issued: 5450] 
curved down mintmark at 6 o'clock
no ray under sword's handle
T2 V1.5.1 - - -
curved down mintmark at 6 o'clock
one ray under sword's handle
V1.5.2 76,677 ©SA 76677
curved down mintmark at 6 o'clock
two rays under sword's handle
V1.5.3 77,107 ©GL 76560-77200
curved up mintmark at 6 o'clock
no ray under sword's handle
V1.5.4 77,925 ©GL 77327-77925
curved up mintmark at 6 o'clock
one ray under sword's handle
V1.5.5 77,302 ©GL 77252-77302
curved up mintmark at 6 o'clock
two rays under sword's handle
V1.5.6 77,025 ©SS 77025-78475
KMD, ##82001-100000 [total issued: 18000]
curved down mintmark at 6 o'clock,
no ray under sword's handle
T2 V1.6.1 91,302 85275-99759
curved down mintmark at 6 o'clock,
with ray under sword's handle
V1.6.2 90,026 89118-99944
curved up mintmark at 6 o'clock,
no ray under sword's handle
V1.6.3 83,538 ©VP 83538-99382
curved up mintmark at 6 o'clock,
with ray under sword's handle
V1.6.4 86,191 ©GL 82252-95660
LMD, ##100001-135000 [total issued: 35000]
'Trench', 2nd run, without mintmark T2 V2.2 120,001 110071-130324
'Displaced Ring', straight mintmark V3.1 122,353 118019-133604
'Displaced Ring', angled mintmark V3.2 123,574 118466-126906
'Concave' V4.1 125,461 100001-133548
KMD, ##135001-170000 [total issued: 35000]
curved up mintmark at 6 o'clock
T2 V1.7.1 140,724 ©DG 140724-167718
curved down mintmark at 6 o'clock
V1.7.2 164,762 ©TR 136379-169988
MMD, ##170001-180529 [total issued: 10529], 04-06/1944
'Trench', 3rd run, without mintmark T2 V2.3 178,633 170055-180451
MZPP, ##180530-200000 [total issued: 19470]
"MZPP", without mintmark  T2 V5.1 182,815 180712-182815
"MZPP", distinctive mintmark at 6 o'clock  V5.2 190,378 190378-194900
"MZPP", mintmark at 6 o'clock V5.3 198,366 ©DG 190302-199089
KMD, ##200001-250500 [total issued: 50500]
curved down mintmark at 6 o'clock
no ray under sword's handle
T2 V1.8.1 204,992 ©PF 204992
curved down mintmark at 6 o'clock
with one ray under sword's handle
V1.8.2 203,443 ©TR 200458-240674
curved down mintmark at 6 o'clock
with two rays under sword's handle
V1.8.3 216,346 207809-240994
straight mintmark at 6 o'clock
V1.8.4 236,307 ©AT 236058-250242
LMD, ##250501-340500 [total issued: 90000]
no ray under sword's handle
T2 V4.2.1.1 255,869 ©BV 255869-306983
with ray under sword's handle
V4.2.1.2 322,455 255738-339759
'Concave' (reverse with slight "trench" contour)
no ray under sword's handle
V4.2.2.1 252,921 252791-300160
'Concave' (reverse with slight "trench" contour)
with ray under sword's handle
V4.2.2.2 293,327 ©PF 253572-293327
KMD, ##340501-347500 [total issued: 7000]
'Flatback', large mintmark T2 V6.1.1 346,820 ©PT 340719-346902
KMD, ##347501-402500 [total issued: 55000], 01/01/1945
'Starback', mintmark at 6 o'clock
no ray under sword's handle
T2 V1.9.1 380,003 360377-394605
'Starback', mintmark at 6 o'clock
with ray under sword's handle
V1.9.2 356,370 348429-400375
'Flatback', large mintmark
with ray under sword's handle
V6.1.2.1 365,614 ©TR 347915-401566
'Flatback', large mintmark
no ray under sword's handle
V6.1.2.2 - - -
LMD, ##402501-482500 [total issued: 80000], 02/02/1945
with ray under sword's handle
T2 V4.3.1 407,001 407001-480590
no ray under sword's handle
V4.3.2 423,679 ©PT 417107-423679
'Small', 1st run   V8.1 481,107 ©GL 479981-482172
KMD, ##482501-500000 [total issued: 17500], 03/03/1945
'Flatback', large mintmark T2 V6.1.3 482,839 ©PT 482705-496733
'Concave-Ring', D=24mm V7.1 493,622 ©AM 488506-499781
KMD, ##500001-580000 [total issued: 80000], 03/24/1945
'Flatback', large mintmark T2 V6.1.4 500,065 ©AT 500065-578646
'Concave-Ring', D=24mm V7.2 571,927 500554-579980
LMD, ##580001-660000 [total issued: 80000], 03/24/1945
'Small', 2nd run   T2 V8.2 617,093 580008-617896
'Concave' V4.4 584,285 ©AT 580085-595472
MZPP, ##660001-680000 [total issued: 20000]
"MZPP" T2 V5.4 661,060 660243-667282
KMD, ##680001-765000 [total issued: 85000], 06/19/1945
'Concave-Ring', D=22mm T2 V7.3 680,669 680669-764761
'Flatback', large mintmark V6.1.5 710,356 ©PT 680360-714116
KMD, ##765001-877500 [total issued: 112500], 08/17/1945
'Concave-Ring', D=22mm T2 V7.4 784,032 776289-875037
'Flatback', large mintmark V6.1.6 821,312 766732-877412
KMD, ##877501-892500 [total issued: 15000], 01/21/1950
'Flatback', large mintmark  T2 V6.1.7 883,921 ©TR 877547-892360
KMD, ##892501-895000 [total issued: 2500], 12/20/1950
'Flatback', large mintmark T2 V6.1.8 892,744 ©GL 892706-894640
KMD, ##895001-900000 [total issued: 5000], 04/19/195?
'Flatback', large mintmark T2 V6.1.9 895,129 895129-899869
MMD, ##900001-906500 [total issued: 6500]
'Flatback', large mintmark T2 V6.1.10 902,236 900187-906240
LMD, ##906501-916500 [total issued: 10000], 01,03-06/1955
'Flatback', large mintmark T2 V6.1.11 909,845 907580-916498
LMD, ##916501-925500 [total issued: 9000], 1958
'Flatback', small mintmark
 thin line under serial number
T2 V6.2.1.1 923,891 917212-925318
'Flatback', small mintmark
 without thin line under serial number
V6.2.1.2 918,432 916521-921280
LMD, ##925501-927500 [total issued: 2000], 1959
'Flatback', small mintmark
 thin line under serial number
T2 V6.2.2 926,214 ©VP 926214-927442
MMD, ##927501-929500 [total issued: 2000], 1959
'Ring', reverse ring D=24mm, mintmark at top T2 V9.1 928,207 ©GL 927525-928654
'Ring', reverse ring D=22mm, mintmark at top V9.2 928,804 928657-929391
MMD, ##929501-934500 [total issued: 5000], 1965
'Ring', reverse ring D=22mm, mintmark at 6 o'clock T2 V9.3 930,013 929503-933831
MMD, ##934501-939500 [total issued: 5000], 1966
reverse ring D=20mm, mintmark at 6 o'clock
rotating-tool S/N
T2 V9.4.1 938,600 ©TR 934542-939312
MMD, ##939501-966200 [total issued: 26700], + 300 without S/N, 1967
reverse ring D=20mm, mintmark at 6 o'clock
rotating-tool S/N
T2 V9.4.2 947,232 941313-965964
MMD, ##966201-971200 [total issued: 5000], 1968
reverse ring D=20mm, mintmark at 6 o'clock
rotating-tool S/N
T2 V9.4.3 967,188 ©ET 967061-970943
MMD, ##971201-985700 [total issued: 14500], + 500 without S/N, 1969
reverse ring D=20mm, mintmark at 6 o'clock
rotating-tool S/N
T2 V9.4.4 971,309 971309-985544